SQL in Azure excels with the presentation of Microsoft’s industry-leading database product. New features from the latest versions of SQL Database Server are also implemented in the Azure product with even greater results than single-server implementations – with all the advantages Azure offers. Here are five reasons SQL in Azure can improve business databases in an environment where online availability of database-driven products can make all the difference when compared to competitors.
1. Scalability and Resource Management with Elastic Pools
Scalability monitors alert you to the need of growth or retraction with ease all with cost in mind. Performance drives rising or shrinking needs and, thus, cost. Single databases can move into higher service levels without waiting or downtime. Larger databases can be moved into pools for best performance. Elastic performance pools allow for rising and falling demand based on the business-intelligent heuristics. Databases managed in an elastic pool can be set to minimum and maximum performance counters that ensure no single instance hogs resources, ensuring that all databases are able to perform. Elastic pools automatically adjust to expected changes in workloads based on the intelligent optimization from performance tuning. The pool performs in balance around the learned cycles of fluctuation for best operation combined with cost efficiency.
Four workloads available in Azure SQL databases allow for creation of a robust, yet flexible application environment. Basic, Standard, Premium and Premium RS each allows for growth of databases without downtime as your database needs increase or decrease. If resource needs change rapidly, database resources adjust to meet these changes which allows Azure customers to pay only for what is needed.
Small, single Azure SQL database instances can be blended with elastic pools to meet growing needs with cost always in mind. Databases can be mixed and matched depending on workloads, even moved into and out of elastic pools for constant cost efficiency which equals savings for businesses. Reporting from Azure and access through the Azure portal provide instant information and access for business management.
Determination of database changes and needs are achieved with Azure SQL Database monitoring and tools. The built-in performance monitoring and alerts provide actionable information for financial decisions regarding databases both large and small. Database Transaction Units (DTU) and elastic DTU provide specific information upon which to base business decisions.
2. Performance Tuning
Azure SQL Database service provides a built-in intelligence which learns database patterns. Such telemetry information informs business management of adaptation options of database resources for constant performance tuning coupled with best business decisions. Azure customers always know how their databases are performing.
Automatic performance tuning is now the new staple of database management. Tools and monitors always adjust for changes and alert owners of necessary needs points of attention. Development resources are maximized while management of SQL resources are highly automated.
Newer batch processing features such as interleaved execution, batch mode memory grant feedback and batch mode adaptive joins further add to Azure in SQL’s enhanced performance features. This new tuning enhancement employs both the learning and adaptive models for increased performance, with the interleaved execution addresses multi-statement table-valued functions.
3. Security
Advanced security adds additional layers of protection including audit logs, data encryption (both at rest and in motion), data-masking to non-privileged users, row-level security and compliance certification. Security also provides high levels of authentication with Active Directory integration. Keys can even be stored within Azure for ease of access.
Adaptive threat detection is available with SQL in Azure presenting a new layer of security that identifies any harmful intrusion attempts. Suspicious activity is always marked with recommendations offered to mitigate breach attempts within the database.
4. Business Consistency Features
With Azure SQL Database service is ways available with its responsive SLA-based support system which keeps all resources up at all times. Available across a wide range of datacenters, the service is patched, secured and backed up. Business continuity concerns are met with a range of option including active geo-replication, and failover groups.
Automatic backups are performed in full, differential and transaction logs while allowing for point-in-time restores over the retention of the automatic backup. High performance and load balancing are achieved with the use of failover groups which can take advantage of geo-replication among a number of Azure data centers.
Software agents, tapes and hardware are by-passed for highly available and flexible backups including failovers for maximum availability. Companies find yet another way to reduce cost while ensuring database availability.
5. Scalability of Azure SQL Database
As with all products in the Azure cloud platform, cost efficiency is further enhanced with scalability. Azure customers can easily forecast, budget and adjust cost based on reporting. Databases can be adjusted as necessary with cost in mind. Increases in demand are never a hassle since databases can be assigned more resources through telemetry reports from efficient monitors – all presented in the Azure Resource Manager
Bonus features at your fingertips:
Azure Key Vault Integration with SQL Server IaaS VMs – encryption keys can now be stored in Azure, eliminating additional management costs and support overhead.
V12 Portability – migration strategies are a thing of the past as SQL in Azure provides the ability to move databases across the cloud, off it or into such services as IaaS and Paas.
Query Store – database metrics are stored in this handy location for access to performance. With the Query Store, historical data about databases can be compared for additional information necessary for management decisions.
Polybase in the Cloud – allows for joining Azure Blob Storage to SQL Server tables for non-relational queries across cloud implementations.
Azure SQL Database provides all the latest features of the database server engine with all the features of Azure mingled into a highly useful product for best performance, lowest cost, and flexible scalability. Comprehensive business consistency from backups and security coupled with development tools, alerts and monitors add more than worthy value. To learn more about Microsoft Azure SQL Database, contact our experts at RoyalDiscount.com – the Microsoft Licensing and Cloud experts. Get answers – Call today at 1-877-292-7712.