Using strong and unique passwords is a piece of advise that we often hear. Unfortunately, most people still opt for weak but easy to remember passwords. Worse, some would use the same password for multiple sites. That’s not surprising since it’s not that easy to remember a handful of passwords. This is where a password manager comes in handy.
Password managers recall all your passwords for you and help you log into all the websites you use automatically. The password database is encrypted with a master password, which is the only one you have to remember. But the question is, are they really as secure as they claim to be?
Putting all your eggs or passwords in one basket is sort of a scary proposition. If a hacker successfully gains access to your password manager, then it’s like handing him/her the keys to your online kingdom. For some people, this may be a deal breaker. But isn’t it just as easy to break into your online accounts with weak passwords? And if you do use the same password on different sites, all others will also be compromised.
Yes, intrusions happen all the time. Popular password manager, LastPass, suffered from an intrusion a few months ago. The good news is that the incident didn’t leak any passwords directly. They said that the passwords were so heavily encrypted that no passwords were stolen.
Now, don’t panic. If you are using a password manager, consider changing your master password every once in a while. Remember, a password manager is only as secure as your master password. Change it often and make sure that it’s a very strong password. Don’t make a hacker’s job easier.
While a password manager can help organize all your online accounts and increase your online security, you shouldn’t rely on it too much. Make sure that you can remember passwords for crucial services such as online banking and email accounts. Find the latest information data security technologies, speak to our representatives. Get a free consultation or shop the latest software deals.