Business consistency needs vary from organization to organization. Larger IT organizations with heavier dependency on applications require more robust business consistency and disaster recovery. However, smaller, less dependent IT implementations may not need as intensive plans for data back-up and recovery as enterprise-class customers. Microsoft Azure provides two different models from which to choose with its recovery services
· Backup Vault or the newer Azure Recovery Services Vault
· Site Recovery Services
The names of these two services suggest they cover the same needs, but they are different models. Backup Vault is used to perform backups that most organizations currently use. With Azure, the Backup Vault/Azure Recovery Services Vault replaces older technology with backup to the cloud. With Backup Vault more granular backup and restoration can be done down to individual files.
Meanwhile, Site Recovery services is a different model for business recovery altogether. Site Recovery services replicates entire site data, physical servers, VMs and even network services. In this manner, an entire site has redundancy for high availability, failover and failback services. With a Site Recovery subscription, business consistency is achieved through replication either from an on-premise to cloud model or a cloud to cloud model.
The distinction between Backup Vault and Site Recovery services is that, while both operate by storing data to the cloud for business consistency and disaster recovery, they achieve similar goals differently. Backup Vault uses the traditional method of backup but without the necessity of tape, using the Azure cloud instead. Site Recovery services achieves business consistency by site replication and failover/failback operations.
Azure Backup Vault
Azure Backup Vault is a backup solution most familiar to IT personnel where data is backed up so that it can be restored as necessary. The traditional method was to backup to tapes and send them off site. With Azure Backup Vault, tapes and tape drives are no longer necessary as data is backed up to the Azure cloud-based vault. Cost is reduced through the elimination of older equipment and the reduction of restoration time with backed up data always available.
Backup Vault works as a cloud-to-cloud implementation where cloud-based VMs and data can be backed-up to the Backup Vault without disruption to services. Additionally, on-premise physical servers and VMs can be backed up to the Azure Backup Vault by installing an agent to handle the management of backup policies.
A wide array of backup components may be used with Backup Vault to accomplish business consistency and disaster recovery goals. Azure Backup (MARS) agent is used for on-
premise physical and VM server to backup data just like a traditional backup paradigm but without the need for a backup server. System Center DPM provides a wider variety of backup options including Linux OS backups from VMs and even options for on-premise tapes. Azure Backup Server has as many options as System Center DPM without tape support. Azure IaaS VM Backup will backup VM servers but only allows for restoration at the server level.
Scenarios for the various components differ with some overlap. Also, Linux support among these various components differs, but all are effective ways to protect data for business consistency using a traditional backup model. For more information about Backup Vault components as well as specific OS and application backup support, contact your representative at Royal Discount.
Azure Recovery Services Vault
Azure Site Recovery is a new service with more advanced options for large instances and enterprises. Backup Vaults are still supported but can no longer be created since it was based on Azure Service Manager as an early version of the vaults. Recovery Services Vaults are the second version in which Azure Resource Manager model features were introduced. As such, Recovery Services Vault contains features not available in the original Backup Vault. Upgrades to Recovery Services Vault are available and retain backup data as part of the upgrade process.
New features in Recovery Services Vault include:
· Enhanced security features for backup that allow for data recovery even if production and backup servers are compromised
· Central monitoring of hybrid IT environments which extends monitoring of assets from Azure IaaS VMs to on-premise assets from a central point.
· Role-Based Access Control: there are three built-in roles to manage recovery points in Azure Recovery Services Vault so backup and restore user controls can be enforced.
· All types of Azure VMs are protected: Premium Disks, Managed Disks and Encrypted VMs are all protected in the new Azure Resource Manager model. Upgraded vaults will retain former Service Manager recovery points while gaining the ability to configure protection policies for the upgraded Resource Manager-based VMs.
· Instantly restore data from IaaS VMs: whereas Service Manager-based IaaS VMs in Backup Vault could only be restored to the VM level, new Resource Manager-based IaaS VMs can be restored down to the folder and file level within the VM. This new feature provides faster data restoration for both Windows and Linux OS VMs.
Azure Site Recovery Services
Site Recovery Services follows a more robust model for business consistency and disaster recovery by allowing full site replication for failover and failback events. With redundant sites, even down to network configurations, business consistency meets high availability standards for larger, more technically dependent organizations.
With Site Recovery Services, a wide range of requirements can be met and managed to include even manual intervention for more specialized applications. Microsoft has tested many widely used applications and workloads for replication and site recovery. Site Recovery Services even provides burst services for high-demand operational time-frames along with a large number of tools to assess, manage and monitor assets for optimal business consistency.
Why Choose Backup Vault/Recovery Services Vault?
Vault-based backup and recovery deployments follow a traditional model of business consistency and disaster recovery by backing up data in a variety of policies, some even with tape systems. On-premise, hybrid implementations without the need for high availability can easily manage backups. Upgrading to Recovery Services Vault for Resource Manager-based features improves backup management and security while retaining the components to allow for flexible backup models that use either cloud or tape backup technology. Additional security features in Recovery Services Vault provide advanced restoration even for compromised systems.
Why Choose Site Recovery Services?
With high availability needs, an organization is able to use Site Recovery Services to meet higher demands for business consistency and disaster recovery. Sites are replicated even to the network level while a wide range of applications and workloads can be accommodated for failover/failback events, testing new applications, and increased workload demands all while retaining security through encrypted connections. Site Recovery Services meets the needs for the highest of IT environment demands at cost.
To determine your business consistency and disaster recovery needs, consider the dynamics of your organization and the demands placed on your IT environment. If high availability for your site is a priority, then Azure Sire Recovery Services may fit your needs. If high availability is not an issue, you may find Azure’s vault-based technology to be the best answer for data protection. Consider upgrading your existing Backup Vault to Recovery Services Vault to leverage new, advanced features. Have questions? Learn more at – To request more information on cloud services, speak with our Microsoft licensing experts at 1-877-292-7712.